A decent shelter- a better place for children to study, a healthier place to sleep, enough room to bring up children, formany Armenian families this has become a kind of dream. With this vital mission – to help families live better it is already the 4th year KPMG Armenia joins forces with Fuller Center for Housing Armenia helping to eliminate poverty housing in Armenia by taking responsibility on social concerns – an act of giving back to their community, engaging the employees in voluntary work and generating invaluable goodwill.
This summer KPMG Armenia joined our volunteer team from the USA in the village of Irind of Aragatsotn region helping the Haroutyunyan family of 6 both by financial contribution and the volunteering activity. The Haroutyunyan family has been living in the parental house for many years with Tigran’s, the family father’s parents and brothers’ family of three. The house was too small for two growing families to live in – 11 people in a house. The family had started the construction of their house but couldn’t complete due to financial difficulties. But very soon, after being included in the program of FullerCenter for Housing Armenia, with the help of our local, international volunteers and corporate partners the family will move to their new house.
Joining forces to help people in need of a decent shelter is really a praiseworthy work. It gives the families the opportunity not to survive but thrive in this world.