We are pleased to introduce some highlights from our partnerships:
Partnership with RA Government: The Government of RA entrusted Fuller Center for Housing Armenia with the implementation of building homes for 290 families living in the disaster zone of Lori, Shirak, Aragatsotn regions.
Partnership with Viva-MTS: The partnership with Viva-MTS, Armenia’s leading mobile operator, goes back to the inception of our organization. Altogether, since 2007, 391 families in need of decent housing have been assisted through this partnership.
Partnership with International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC): The partnership with ICRC is aimed to assist families of missing, the victims of mine/ ERW (explosive remnants of war) and the people from borderline target villages to rehabilitate their homes. Altogether, from 2010 about 350 families have been assisted.
Partnership with Armenian Relief and Development Association (ARDA) and Vanadzor Municipality: A partnership aimed to assist the families who live in dilapidated temporary shelters (domiks).These houses are designed by Lazarian World Homes. The Lazarian polystyrene (or Styrofoam) block is the basis for these homes. With these blocks, the housing structures become simple and inexpensive to build. The buildings are energy efficient and the blocks keep out moisture, resist pests, and contain fire retardant materials all within each block. The homes also have an estimated life of 40-50 years. Altogether, from 2008 to 2016, 67 families were assisted through this partnership.
Partnership with USAID (USAID funded Advanced Rural Development Initiative (ARDI) Program):ARDI (Advanced Rural Development Initiative) Program is funded by USAID and implemented by Fuller Center for Housing Armenia and Heifer Project Armenia. During 2017 ARDI program has implemented 17 projects assisting entrepreneurs in the dairy, fruit, and rural tourism sectors. Interventions have been developed for the establishment of milk collection units, milk processing plants, herbal tea production, farmer service centers, animal watering points, upgrading existing Bed & Breakfasts and dry fruit production plant. Besides the above-mentioned infrastructure projects, 36 small grant projects have been provided for women and young entrepreneurs in different sub-sectors of Agriculture.
Since its inception from 2017 ARDI program implemented 70 infrastructural projects and provided 100 Seed Grants to start up businesses led by youth and women.
Other Strong Partnerships: Partnering with Armenian Apostolic Church, Heifer Project International Armenia, USA Embassy in Armenia, KPMG Armenia, Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan, AGBU, AVC, Birthright Armenia, PwC Armenia, IREX (International Research & Exchange Board), FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange), Armenia Tree Project, local municipalities, The Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation, Yerevan State University, Daughters of Vartan, Knights of Vartan, Peace Corps in Armenia, Armenian National Lyceum after Anania Shirakatsy, UWC Dillijan College, Christian Youth Mission to Armania (CYMA), also new partnerships with American University of Armenia (AUA), Armenian Assembly of America, Teach for Armenia and Microsoft Armenia.