Give to Our Project – Help us Eliminate Poverty Housing in Armenia!
Join the army of our supporters by your gift – help Armenian families in need of decent housing!

Or send a check to
The Fuller Center for Housing, PO Box 523, Americus, GA 31709
Please add ”Armenia” in the memo line.
Donations to Fuller Center Armenia are tax deductible
Full Sponsorship Costs
- Completion of half-built house: $12,000
- Renovation: $ 3,500
Contribute to a House: any amount you can give is welcome!
Here is a sense of how useful your donation can be and what things cost in constructing homes in Armenia:
- Front door: $312
- Interior door: $130
- All doors in a house: $832
- Window: $156
- All windows in a house: $780
- Roof: $2338
- Bathroom: $1429
- Floors: $909
- Interior painting supplies: $520
Be a Hope Builder
All funds you donate will go to our construction program and will help a needy Armenian family become a full-rights owner of of their first ever home or improve their deteriorated house.
You can also transfer your donation directly to our bank account in Armenia if you do not need a tax receipt.
Fuller Center for Housing Charitable NGO
Ameriabank CJSC, Yerevan
ACC 15700 05330400101
Correspondent bank: CITIBANK N. A., NEW YORK
ACCOUNT: 36116208
“Please remember FCHA in your will”.