The partnership bet
ween VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia team goes back to 2007 and has fruitful outcomes. Already 25 families in Armenia enjoy the happiness of decent housing with the help and dedication of VivaCell-MTS. Through this long and fruitful partnership VivaCell-MTS makes a secure social investment in the protection and development of Armenian communities becoming part of the mission of eliminating poverty housing in Armenia through a striking example of corporate social responsibility.
On April 9, 2014 VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia joined in a home build in the borderline village of Vazashen, Tavush Region to mark the official launch of the new project sponsored by VivaCell-MTS addressed to assisting 25 more low income families from bordering villages of Tavush and Armavir regions to build and renovate their homes.
Today Armenia’s bordering villages face critical challenges, such as the need for decent housing, the lack of jobs, which, in its turn brings forth emigration, low natural reproduction that threatens the existence of these villages. The problem is vital both for security reasons and for the overall economy of the country. To provide assistance, to lessen critical challenges the bordering villages face and to make the borderline areas of Armenia a place to live and raise a family VivaCell-MTS makes an investment of 55 million AMD and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia undertakes the implementation of a new program through which 10 families from bordering villages will be assisted to complete their half-built homes and 15 will be assisted to renovate their homes.
“Our people on the borders are our country’s live shield, and it is our duty to give them a helping hand for a better living. Every stone we build here, every roof we enhance is a strong armor for our country. Together with Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, we will help these people realize their dream – finish their homes and raise their children in safe and decent conditions,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian stated.
”The productivity of the partnership with VivaCell-MTS has been proved through the experience of many years, through the real difference made in the lives of many Armenian families. This is a unique partnership based on corporate social responsibility towards the communities, the families who are living side by side with us in a community that we ourselves are a part of. Through the generous support of VivaCell-MTS 25 families from bordering villages will have better housing conditions. Instead of thinking of emigrating from Armenia in search of better standards of living they will remain in their homes and foster the security of the country borders,’’ shared the president of the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, Ashot Yeghiazaryan