3rd year partnership–a long and prosperous cooperation between International Committee of Red Cross and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, a cooperation as result of which up to now starting from 2010 already 18 families from different regions of Armenia (Tavoush, Lori, Gegharkunik, Armavir and Shirak regions) live in their healthy and decent homes. Already many years the partners implement their activities aimed at improving housing conditions of low-income vulnerable families, aimed at making difference in the lives of these families throughout Armenia.
This year a new agreement was signed between two organizations aimed at assisting another 18 especially disadvantaged target group – the families of missing. The project will be implemented in Syunik and Armavir Regions: towns of Armavir, Jrarat, Metsamor and Edjmiatsin in Armavir region and Kapan and Goris in Syuinik region, as well as the villages of Angeghakot and Hartashen of Syunik region and Hoktember, Mayisyan, Lenoughy, Mousaler, Yeraskhahoun and Parakar in Armavir region of the Republic of Armenia.