On September 16, 2017, the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, H.E. Mr. Richard M. Mills, Jr. and volunteers from the U.S. Embassy Helping Hands organization joined the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia team in Aghavnatun village of Armavir region to help build a home for Petrosyan family. Within a few hours the volunteers concreting of the floors, which was a huge support for the family.
It’s already the 8th year, since 2008 the U.S. Embassy team joins forces with the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia to build homes for Armenian families in need of decent housing. This partnership demonstrates a unique collaboration that is focused on helping people in need and giving them hope for a brighter future.
The Petrosyans have lived in a metal container since 1995, for several years. Then they have lived in a small room without any housing conditions: no bathroom, no kitchen, just a small bedroom without proper roofing and flooring. Only in 2015, they were able to build the walls of their own house but couldn’t afford to finish it.
“It is so hard to live in such housing conditions. My health problems doesn’t allow me to work harder, but my husband and I have done our best to create decent housing conditions for our son. The rats and snakes were the permanent ”inhabitants” of the house. Now, I am so happy that there is a hope that finally we will have a home,” said Mariam, the mother of the family.
“I am honored to join you all today to meet the Petrosyan family. They have shown true hospitality to all The Fuller Center Volunteers and to those of us from the US. Embassy as we come together in a true spirit of partnership and friendship, people helping their brothers and sisters build a better life. This build site today is an example of what we can achieve when we join hands, Americans and Armenians to achieve our common goals,’’ said the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, H.E. Mr. Richard M. Mills, Jr.
“Housing is a basic human right that is vital in everyone’s life and I am glad that we are united in our conviction and dedication to making a difference in the lives of families in housing need. It’s already the 8th year we have been partnering with the U.S. Embassy Yerevan with the mission of helping more and more families to live in decent homes,” said the president of the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, Ashot Yeghiazaryan.