This year the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia started a new and productive partnership with Teach for Armenia. This humanitarian partnership is committed to helping build houses for families who live in poverty housing.
On September 25, Teach for Armenia Founder and CEO Larisa Hovannisian and the entire Teach For Armenia team joined Fuller Center for Housing Armenia and worked in Katnaghbyur village of Aragatsotn region helping the Baghdasaryans to build their dream home. The team did tremendous work doing the plastering of the walls, which was a huge support to the family. That was also a great way to help the family build not only a house but also a new life, hope and belief for a better future.
The Baghdasaryans started building their house 20 years ago, but could not afford to finish the construction due to lack of financial means. For two decades, the family had to live first in the family father’s, Haykaram’s parents’ house, and then in a rented half-damaged house without any housing conditions. During years, Haykaram worked hard to finish their half-built house, but till now they could hardly build the walls of the house.
“We believe in a better future for Armenia, and today we are so proud to be part of that with the Baghdasryan family and the Fuller Center. A better Armenia means better education for our children, it means proper housing conditions for our families, it means financial security for our people. All of these challenges are related, and when we work together to empower our communities, it brings the necessary change to life,” said Teach for Armenia Founder and CEO Larisa Hovannisian.
“My happiness is endless. It is so long we have not heard any good news. All our life, my entire family, my wife, my sons and I have worked hard to finish the construction of our half-built house, but it was hopeless. We could care only everyday needs. Today it’s a happy day for us…” said Haykaram, the family father.
Hopefully the construction of the half-built house of the Baghdasaryan family will be finished till the end of the current year.