There is something that all people must have: a decent home to live in. It gives to a family, to an individual the opportunity to be stronger for tomorrow and build a sustainable future. It boosts one’s sense of dignity and pride which in its turn increases the educational and employment prospects. This basic need of a decent home for Armenian families became a stimulus for a new partnership with St. Gregory the Enlightener Armenian Church of White Plains. The new partnership brought a real blessing to the Margaryan family from Aragatsotn region, the village of Ujan which has witnessed endless sorrows in their lives. A needy family dwelling in a small, old shack with no conditions necessary for adequate living – an outhouse instead of a toilet, pots instead of a shower, manually refillable container attached to a tree for washing up…
In 2012 September the house donors – parish members with priest Fr. Karekin – visited and blessed the construction of the house. Ellie Krolian, Chairperson of St. Gregory the Enlightener Women’s Guild, said: “To learn that many Armenian families are unable to enjoy the most basic need for adequate housing and to see that Fuller Armenia provided a proven way to address this need caused a groundswell of interest and action among our parishioners. The opportunity to provide families with reasonable housing in Armenia clearly benefits children by providing them a stable and safe environment in which to grow and learn. We would strongly urge other parishes to invite representatives from Fuller Armenia to come to your churches and hear and see first-hand what a difference you can make. We look forward to our continued involvement and would gladly share our experience with anyone considering partnering with Fuller Armenia. You really can make a difference.”
The enthusiasm the members took from the construction site and the inspiration that the help provided will make the future life of the family brighter deepened the roots of the partnership. Now the parish is raising more funds to sponsor the second family in 2013 and we hope that the newly started but blossoming partnership will have long and prosperous life.