The housing problem of families left homeless as a result of the earthquake is on the agenda of the government and the regional administrations.
The Governor of Lori Region, Andrey Ghukasyan, the Acting Chairman of RA Urban Development Committee, Armen Ghularyan, the Urban Development Committee Official, Tanya Arzumanyan, and the President of Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, Ashot Yeghiazaryan participated in the construction of Ghazaryan family house. The Ghazaryan family of 11 has been dreaming of a decent home for 32 years.
On July 3, 2020, the Lori Region Governor and the President of the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia signed an agreement for building homes for the beneficiaries of the project. Out of the 153 beneficiary families, the contract is already signed with 107 families; documentation verification and collection process is going on for the other families.
TO REMIND, the Government of RA entrusted Fuller Center for Housing Armenia with the implementation of building homes for 216 families living in the disaster zone of Lori, Shirak, and Aragatsotn regions, out of which 153 families are in Lori region.