16 Families Celebrated Home Dedication in Vanadzor.
As a result of the fruitful partnership between the Armenian Relief and Development Association (ARDA), the Vanadzor Municipality and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia – 16 families that had been living in metal containers more than 20 years, moved to their new, safe and decent homes in the Taron 3 district of Vanadzor city, Lori region. The initiator of the project is Steve Lazarian, the president of ARDA and an American-Armenian philanthropist.
For this project, ARDA invested 50 percent of the expenses, while the municipality invested 35 percent and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia invested 15 percent. In addition, the Vanadzor municipality donated the land for the homes, installed the necessary infrastructure in the district and landscaped the area.
These homes were built using a new technology of polystyrene foam block. It is possible to complete a new home in a month using this technology, rather than the 6 to 12 months required with traditional building materials. Such homes are ecologically clean, reasonably priced and most importantly earthquake resistant.
“It is the priority of the ARDA foundation to make houses that are the most beneficial for the families as they have seen so much sorrow. For each family the foundation has donated kitchen cabinets, a kitchen gas stove, an oven, and a gas heater,” said Hrahat Stepanyan, executive director of ARDA’s Yerevan office.
”The temporary housing district formed in Vanadzor after the 1988 earthquake turned into permanent shelter for many families who survived the disaster that killed some 27,000 people. Many children grew up in the temporary shelters and now their children are growing up in the same conditions”.
”For many years we have been waiting for this day. On behalf of the beneficiary families, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to three partners: Vanadzor municipality, ARDA foundation, Fuller Center for Housing. May God’s blessing be on you” said Aida Ghukasyan, mother of 3 kids.
The new polystyrene homes are a dream come true for the 16 families receiving them. However, another 16 families are still waiting for the day that they will celebrate their new home dedication…