The settlement of issues that have become a social burden helps to improve the quality of a family’s life. Especially those living in regions feel its need most; the desire to build a home becomes a reason for them to look for a solution abroad choosing the way of emigration. To preserve the country as a homeland, however, they need to stay on their own land and have the faith to dream, live and succeed. The families who have solved the housing problems in different regions of Armenia are trying to set new goals and achieve them.
The housing program implemented by VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia has proven its effectiveness over the years; homes were built or renovated in 56 communities for 150 families. It has been planned to continue the project in 2018, too. The partnering organizations have signed the contract for the current year.
“The decision has been made, the contract has been signed. This year, too, we will cooperate with the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia to fulfill the dream of our compatriots. The new challenges and the economic situation oblige us to specify the calculations, but when we see how the families, who have overcome the problem of housing many years ago, confidently set new dreams now, we try to be helpful to more families within the realms of our possibilities,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.
“This is a program the result of which is assessed through the change in the life quality, through the sparkle of faith towards the future in the eyes of the families. Although considerable work has been done, we evaluate the years of cooperation with a more important criterion, that is – awakening faith in a bright future in people’s hearts,” shared the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.
The mechanisms of the cooperation are clear: the list of families to be included in the program is made by the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, taking into account their social status, the presence of juveniles in the family, the crowdedness of the living space and a number of other criteria. VivaCell-MTS provides financial support, as well as participates voluntarily in the construction works.