In 2017, the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia (FCHA) and AGBU Discover Armenia celebrated 10th year of successful partnership. During all these years, AGBU Discover Armenia team of young volunteers from different parts of the world, led by Mrs. Hermine Duzian, Chief Coordinator Diaspora Youth Programs in Armenia, joined Fuller Center for Housing Armenia mission helping build homes for more Armenian families through volunteering activity also creating strong bonds between younger generations of the Diaspora and people living in Armenia.
Younger generations inspire us to better our world, our communities. Their aspiration in action makes us work even harder to provide decent housing for more and more Armenian families.
This year a group of 53 enthusiastic AGBU Discover Armenia young volunteers worked in Nerkin Bazmaberd village of Aragatsotn region to turn the dream of Manoukyan family to have a decent home into a reality.
The Manukyan family of four had been living with the family father’s, Hrach’s parents and other family members, 15 people in a four-room house. Hrach is the only breadwinner of the family and his salary is hardly enough to care everyday needs; it has never been enough to complete the construction of the half-built house.
The hard working ethic of the volunteers is really rewarding and it resulted in creating such a conductive environment in which family members felt they are not alone, that there are people who give them a real hand-up for a better future and it is invaluable.
“It is very hard to live with 15 people in a house. My brother has his own family, my sister, with her four children, lives with my parents, my younger brother will soon have his own family. We started the construction of the house for my family, but couldn’t finish it. It will be a real magic to finish the construction this year and the help of these young volunteers is so encouraging. I can’t imagine that soon we will have our own home,” said Hrach.